Cotopaxi School District Financial Transparency
The Cotopaxi School District RE-3 values open and honest communication with its many stakeholders: staff, students, parents, and taxpayers. In order to meet the requirements of Article 44, Title 22 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, The Public School Financial Transparency Act, we have posted the following items on our financial transparency webpage.
Fremont RE-3 Finance Data
Required Financial Transparency
Colorado Revised Statutes, 22-44-304
* District Adopted Budget
* District Financial Audit
* Salary Schedules
* Financial Data File *FY22-23
* List of Waivers Received by the School District - Cotopaxi School district currently does not have any waivers from state statute.
* Standardized Description and Rationale for Each Automatic Waiver - does not apply to our district.
* Federal Form 990,990-EZ, or 990PF does not apply to our district.
* Plan for Distributing Additional Mill Levy Revenue or Statement of Intent of Distribute does not apply to our district.
* Other District Specific Financial Information
Financial Data File for FY22-23 is required to be posted no later than March 1st, 2024
Please consider the context when evaluating financial transactions. Some transactions may appear improper on the surface but are perfectly normal and justifiable when placed in the proper context. We welcome your questions regarding our financial transactions or records.
Cotopaxi School District has received notification as an award winner for the following grants. CRF - FY 19-20 $277411.41 - Used for COVID-19 supplies, COVID-paraprofessionals ESSER I - FY 20-21 $46,508 - Used for COVID-19 supplies, COVID-paraprofessionals, All staff extra duty stipend EOY.
Salaries (28.96% of ESSER Title II)
Instructional Services, Instructional support and Support Services
Mental health Services and Support Counselor to assist in with social and emotional awareness, student support for the transition back to in-person learning covid-19 situations along with providing academic support.
Student Achievement Coach to address learning loss, work with new and returning staff on student achievement levels. Instruct best practices as well as tools needed to best identify the needs of learning loss and student growth measures.
Stipends to address learning loss and covid-19 training for all staff to ensure best practices and strategies for effective classroom and school environments.
Employee Benefits(6.72%of Esser Title II)
Benefits will be provided to the above mentioned positions of Instructional Services, Instructional Support and Support Services.
Capitalized Equipment to include the following (23.41% of ESSER Title II)
Operation support
New bus will be purchased to allow for local health department guidelines and maintaining social distancing and cohorts. Leasing is not an option due to rural location. Capitalization purchasing and procurement policies are in place and followed.
Non Capitalized Equipment (16% of ESSER of Title II)
Remote learning Supplies
Additional student devices and other technology equipment to allow for in-person and remote learning capabilities.
Facility repairs and improvements
Items and improvements to enable operation of schools to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure. Exp: Antimicrobial equipment chairs, desk and tables.
Sanitation Supplies(7.23% of ESSER Title 11)
Facility Supplies
Additional disinfectants and equipment to ensure necessary Covid-19 safety and state disinfecting measures are followed.

RE-3 ALLOCATION: $575,567
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed the American Rescue Plan (ARP) adding funds to the Elementary and Secondary Education Relief (ESSER) fund in emergency pandemic aid. ESSER III funds must be spent to address the impacts of COVID-19 and Districts are required to use at least 20% of funding for addressing the learning impacts of the pandemic.
Cotopaxi School District will ensure that ARP - ESSER III funds will be used for purposes that are reasonable, necessary, and allocable under the ARP Act. Cotopaxi Schools will use ESSER III funds for technology purchases to allow students and staff to connect at any time whether remote or in the classroom. Teacher recruitment and retention is an increased concern due to COVID-19. Cotopaxi School district will look to hire a part/full time coaching specialist that will work directly with new staff, as well we will look to hire a part/full time mental health specialist to help both students and staff with pandemic or post pandemic needs. Continual professional development training is necessary for teachers, paraprofessionals, and instructional staff on technology improvements, instructional methods, and social/emotional needs. Instructional learning loss will be assessed and programs developed to address identified learning loss. The district will also purchase additional vehicles to keep students in their cohorts and socially distanced when being transported. Air quality improvements will be installed on busses and in school buildings. Cotopaxi School District will implement a Summer School program to address learning loss for the next two years. Cotopaxi School District will continue to provide the training needed to ensure all buildings and busses are appropriately cleaned and disinfected in accordance with guidelines to stop the spread of COVID-19. Cotopaxi School District is committed to ensuring that no student or teacher will be denied access or participation based on gender, race, national origin, disability, or age.
Proposed Budget/Notice to Public 2024-2025 FY Budget
The proposed budget was submitted to the board at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year. The proposed budget is on file at the principal administrative offices of the school district; the proposed budget is available for inspection during reasonable business hours; any person paying school taxes in the district may file or register an objection thereto at any time prior to its adoption; the board of education of the school district will consider adoption of the proposed budget for the ensuing fiscal year on June 13, 2024.
Contact Information: | Cotopaxi Consolidated School District |