Combined Routes - May 20-21

Due to a shortage of drivers the #3 (Ms. Tammy)  and #4 (Coach C) bus routes will be combined for the morning and afternoon of MONDAY, MAY 20TH and TUESDAY, MAY 21ST, and will follow the combined route drop off schedule posted on the school website. Times are subject to change. 

If possible, parents are requested to drop off and pick up their students while the combined route is in effect.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 


Combined Route Pick-up Times - Revised 2/14/24


6:10 School

6:17 CR 1A @ CR 35

6:21 727 CR 1A

6:32 Palmer Road

6:22 Price

6:28 2015 CR 32 

6:35 Palmer Rd

6:40 17th

6:46 L Path

6:48 Barnes

6:50 Lukassen Mailbox

6:51 2406 CR 27A

6:54 Shannon Road

Deer Mountain Fire Station - all students at this stop will need to pick up and drop off at the Y

6:57 “Y” - Depart 7:02

7:04 Blazing Saddle

7:07 Boyd Road

7:10 Bode

7:24 Barry’s Den

7:38 School


4:10 School

4:13 Cotopaxi Store

4:16 CR 1A @ CR 35

4:21 2015 CR 32

4:23 Price

4:28 Hwy 69/Gulch Rd

4:35 Bode

4:39 Boyd Road

4:42 Blazing Saddle

4:44 “Y”

Deer Mountain Fire Station - all students at this stop will need to pick up and drop off at the Y

4:47 Shannon Road

4:48 Colorsweet

4:51 2406 CR 27A

4:52 Lukassen Mailbox

4:55 Barnes

4:57 L Path

5:02 17th

5:07 Palmer Road

5:30 Barry’s Den