Remote Learning - January 12-13

Due to the increased positive cases of COVID-19 among students, staff and community, as a precautionary measure to address the spike in cases, the district will temporarily transition all students to remote learning for the remainder of the week, to include WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12 and THURSDAY, JANUARY 13.

As of now, students will return to in-person on MONDAY, JANUARY 17. However we will continue to monitor the situation and Public Health recommendations, and will send any updates to families as they become available. Nurse Debbie is including an informational flier and handout, however please do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have additional questions. We appreciate your patience as we work through this evolving situation. 

Supply Pick-up

We have done our best to ensure all students were sent home with all the required materials to learn remotely. However, if your child was absent or otherwise requires additional materials, please reach out to the office at (719) 942- 4131 to make arrangements to pick up these materials.

Remote Learning

All students at Cotopaxi School will participate in remote learning during this closure. Please watch for instructional updates from your child’s teacher(s), or if you have any questions please contact them directly.

Students need to log into their Google Classrooms daily and follow teacher instruction. Attendance will be taken and submitted daily.  Elementary parents can consult the remote learning guide here.

If your student is having trouble accessing their Google Meets or is experiencing technical or internet issues, please contact their teacher first for a resolution. Failing this, please contact the office at (719) 942-4131 to ensure this does not count against their attendance.

If your family does not have internet access or has limited internet access, please reach out to the office at (719) 942- 4131 to make other arrangements.

Meal Distribution

Students in attendance on Tuesday, January 11, will be sent home with meals, free of charge, for the time Cotopaxi Schools will be remote learning. Meals include 2 days of breakfast and lunch for each student. If your student was already quarantined, please contact Food Service Director, Devin Gulliford at (719) 207-1645 to arrange meal pickup for tomorrow, Wednesday, January 12.


Athletes and parents, please look for updates and information from your coaches.  


COVID-19 testing is now available, free of charge in Canon City. The testing site is  located at  the Canon City Community/LPHA Building at 201 N 6th St, Canon City. The site is open Monday through Saturday, from 8 AM to 4 PM. Testing is available via walk-up or drive-through. 

Testing is open to everyone, regardless of where you live. No health insurance, identification, doctor referrals, or appointments are required. Results are within three days.

Pre-register for a test at the following link:


  • Attendance will be taken during Google Meets and submitted daily by the teachers. 
  • Participation, conduct, and etiquette expectations remain the same as if we were in person learning at school. Online assignments are not optional and will count toward final grades.
  • If your student becomes sick during the school closure please reach out to Nurse Debbie at (719) 942-4131 ext. 237.

We are Pirate Strong. Please know we we value both the education and well-being of our students, and this step was taken only after deep consideration. Our goal remains to return to in-person learning as soon as possible while staying safe. 

Thank you and please let us know if we can help in any way.