BOARD MEETING UPDATE: Please note, the board meetings originally announced and scheduled for this week have been postponed to next week. Once dates are confirmed additional details and meeting items will be posted.
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
In Physical Science we finished a unit on waves and optics. We are starting a unit on work, power, and simple machines, culminating with designing and building a Rube Goldberg machine. In Biology we are continuing with research and discussion on the human body systems. We have completed 9 of the 11 systems and will conclude the unit with a comprehensive test. In Earth science we are working on a geology unit. The class has been learning about rock types, the rock cycle, and unique geological places around the USA.
over 2 years ago, Steve Fieth
Second grade is smiling and shining. They have been hard at work this past week where they put their focus on adding three-digit numbers. Groups of students worked together on showing how to regroup by using base-ten blocks. This week, second grade will work hard at adding three-digit numbers mentally.
over 2 years ago, Ms. Smith
The third grade has been spending their math time learning to read and interpret graphs. They have really been enjoying the work with bar graphs and picture graphs.
over 2 years ago, 3rd Grade Class
A bar graph that shows how much money each class raised for a fictional playground.
February is American Heart Month. Cotopaxi students and staff teamed up with the American Heart Association to promote heart health for all. Cotopaxi School designated February 10th as their Go Red Day - everyone was encouraged to wear red in support of promoting heart health around the world.
over 2 years ago, School Nurse
Go Red Day at Cotopaxi!
Kindergarten showing their support for Go Red Day.
Our Cotopaxi High School American History Class has finished their World War I presentations. I have been impressed by these presentations!
over 2 years ago, Ryan Christensen
American History
The high school ceramic students have been working on mythical creature-mounted head sculptures. Once fired in the kiln the students will paint their sculptures.
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Art Department
Ceramic Sculputres
Ceramic Sculptures
Cotopaxi Early Learning Center (preschool) has been working on their names all year. First we utilize “name puzzles” -each child starts with their name and has a second set of letters to match their name. They match them and then we review the letters in their name. Once they know the letters in their name, we scramble the letters to see if they can identify each letter (ask them the letters out of order), then each child has a name card and when held up, they identify their name. The next step is tracing their name on the top line, we teach left to right and top to bottom (where to start and how to correctly write their letters) and how to hold the marker in their hand (tripod grip). Once they are able to write their letters, they write their name on the bottom line. We try to practice this everyday!
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Early Learning Center
Daniel shows how well he is writing his name!
Landon has been working very hard on his name and wanted everyone to see it
Theodore (Theo for short) was very happy as were his teachers when he finished his name!
Ivie gets very excited when she finishes her name, this is no exception!
WEATHER UPDATE: Due to the slick road conditions and the extreme cold temperatures, all grades, PK-12, will once again be on remote learning for tomorrow, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3. Our teachers were prepared for a second day of remote learning in the event that situations dictated it. Please be safe and we’ll see your children on Monday.
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
The Kindergarten class has been hard at work in English. They wrote about a gift they would like to give Ettabetta, one of the Superkids' characters. They also drew a picture of the gift.
over 2 years ago, Cindy Gaines - Kindergarten Teacher
WEATHER UPDATE: Due to the forecasted snowfall, temperatures and road conditions, all grades, K-12 will be on remote learning tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2. We will continue to monitor weather conditions and if needed will send additional updates to families regarding school on Thursday. Stay safe and warm Pirates!
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Career and College Prep students get the opportunity to explore their career interests and look into what it takes to follow their vocational dreams in our most recent class assignment. Each student is picking three occupations to research. The goal is for them to be able to gain insight into what it takes to reach their goal of becoming a teacher, a lawyer, an electrician, a photographer, or a psychologist, to name a few.
over 2 years ago, Tiffany Coleman - CHS English
Career and College Prep students search the web for interesting facts about their career choices.
Our Makerspace class has been working on a bridge design unit. The students have finished designing bridges to meet certain criteria using limited materials. The students are now building craft stick bridges from their designs and will test them to determine which bridge holds the most weight.
over 2 years ago, Steve Fieth
Students are finishing their jump rope unit this week with group performances. These routines are choreographed by the students to highlight the skills and tricks that they have been working on throughout the unit.
over 2 years ago, Lou Collins
5th grade long ropes
It's Kindness Week! Middle School Leadership students soaked in some sun and cleaned up campus.
over 2 years ago, Mr. Treat
Middle School Leadership students pick up trash around school grounds.
Bam Blobs!! These are great words in Mrs. Eckelberry's 4th grade class! The students have been working toward using acceptable behavior in class, in the hallways and in our specials classes. Each student can earn Bam Blobs separately and as a group. Every Thursday at the end of school, the Bam Blobs that were earned for the week go into a big jar until they reach the line for their reward. I am very proud that they were able to reach the ice cream party goal this past week. Great job 4th graders! Now on to the next behavior goal!!
over 2 years ago, Terri Eckelberry
Our Guitar I class is working hard on a duet piece to perform in our spring concert!
over 2 years ago, Taylor Ouzts
The first grade has been learning about opinions and supporting them. We recently wrote an opinion paragraph on whether it was better to play outside or inside. We then had a class debate on whether cats or dogs make the better pet. Each time we had to be sure to support our reason and try to change other people’s minds. What would you choose outside with the fresh air or inside with a warm fire; a small cat that is easy to care for or a snuggly dog that will protect you?
over 2 years ago, Stephanie Gasseling
Eighth graders have been finding their passion through writing poetry. After Reading poetry, they have been working through the writing process to create a poem that they are proud of. These fantastic students have come so far in this process and are ready to share their work during the band concert on January 31, at 7 pm.
over 2 years ago, Middle School Language Arts
Story time at the preschool! Ms. Cruz is reading Dr. Seuss’ “Fox in Socks”! We are working on the letter “Xx” this week. The story has some silly rhyming words as well!
over 2 years ago, Margaret Leatherbery
Landon, Daniel,  Brylee , Grace, Ivie,  Dakota, Laine, , Eddie and Theo don’t want to miss a single silly word Ms. Cruz is reading!
Dakota supervises from the house as Landon and Eddie scoop the rocks!
Grace and Eddie are busy clearing a space for their pet to lie in.
Theo, Ivie and Brylee are hitting the road on the scooters!