Congratulations to Dane DeVries for being selected as the Marine Corp League Student of the Month. This is an award that is given to a deserving senior and Dane has worked diligently through his years at Cotopaxi to earn this honor. Make sure you let him know how proud we are of him. Dane received this award on Nov. 29th in his Civics class.
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Marine Core awards picture
Last quarter, the seniors worked diligently on college research and the college admissions process. Several took advantage of Colorado's free application days October 19-21. Seniors in English IV have also been focusing on writing personal essays in class. Among the types of essays they have written and are working on now are "This I Believe" and "Personal Statement" essays. These essays will be invaluable when students begin applying for scholarships in the near future.
over 2 years ago, Tiffany Coleman - CHS English
On October 27, the State of Colorado launched I Matter, a program that provides up to three free counseling sessions for any Colorado youth. Youth and their parents can visit the I Matter platform to take a confidential online survey about their mental health and schedule sessions with a licensed behavioral health clinician, primarily via telehealth. All Colorado youth ages 18 or younger—or 21 and younger if receiving special education services—are eligible to receive free services. Youth 12 and older can sign up for counseling sessions without a parent or guardian's consent.
over 2 years ago, School Nurse
I Matter
COVID-19 Vaccines are now available for children 5-17. Please see this website for detailed information regarding the vaccines, frequently asked questions and availability in Colorado.
over 2 years ago, School Nurse
COVID-19 Vaccines
Security Incident Update 11/5/21: The Fremont County Sheriff's Department has all information and have taken appropriate action. We appreciate their involvement and they will continue to be a valuable member of our Emergency Response Plan.
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Sixth grade social studies students navigated the ancient Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza during a virtual field trip using Google Earth. Students researched the physical geography and analyzed how ancient Latin American civilizations adapted to their environment, using techniques such as a terracing, aqueducts, and floating gardens called chinampas.
over 2 years ago, Lucas Treat
Students explore the ancient Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza.
First-graders have been working on personal narratives. This week they will be writing their first book on something they have done. Some of these topics include riding a horse, getting new pets, and going fishing. They will practice writing complete sentences and descriptive words, then drawing pictures that help the reader understand their writing. Once the students have finished, they will have the opportunity to share their book with the class and give each other feedback on how to improve their stories.
over 2 years ago, First Grade
This afternoon the school had it's first lockdown DRILL of the year. All staff and students did a great job following initial protocols and were given the opportunity to debrief. Feedback will be used to continue to improve our plans. If you get the chance, please talk to your student(s) about the drill today. If you have any questions please call the school.
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Our 4th grade is full of mathematicians, they even have their favorite numbers! We are mid way through our algebra unit and students are having tons of fun! We decided to finish our lesson by creating posters. Each poster tells you a little about why the number is special to them, some quick facts about the number's factors and multiples. Plus, all of those numbers could give you a clue as to how to solve their multiplication or division story problems! Oh, and did I mention they are completing these even during virtual learning? How cool that we can keep up the learning from home!
over 2 years ago, Ms. Toner 5th Grade
Here is a very fitting example for Halloween!
Here is an example of what they are creating just to show you how much they know and love about numbers!
The 4th grade students spent a lot of time on their posters.
I love when students bring art into math class!
4th grade has just wrapped up our first language arts unit on personal narratives. The students and I have worked very hard to grasp the concept elements that are involved in reading and writing personal narratives. We are to begin Unit 2 which is all about informative text. We will focus on the Middle Ages for this unit and I believe the students will enjoy learning about knights during the Medieval Times. In this unit, students will gain a deeper understanding in report or informative writing.
over 2 years ago, Jaycie Jones- 4th Grade
Colorado Free Application Days - Oct. 19-21st * Applicants who submit their admission applications to Colorado's colleges and universities during this three day period can do so for free. And remember, while the application must be submitted during this three-day period to be eligible for the fee waiver, applicants can begin working on their admission applications now! Just save your work online and submit the admission applications from Oct. 19 - 21. Go to the URL below for more information!
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
The third grade has been learning about plant growth and selection in science this week. This Thursday they did an activity to rate the sweetness and color of three different types of apples. They did this in order to see and taste the way that selection happens in fruits and vegetables.
over 2 years ago, 3rd Grade Class
To kick of the fall season and Halloween first graders read the wonderful story "Pumpkin Jack" by Will Hubbell. This story is about the life cycle of a pumpkin. We then started our own "Pumpkin Jack" experiment, where we hope to watch our pumpkin decompose and eventually sprout a new pumpkin plant, we can plant in the school garden. This process will take months so, stay tuned for updates on the life cycle of Jack.
over 2 years ago, First Grade
Materials we used for our experiment.
First grade student adding soil to our pumpkin container.
Waiting in line fo"r their turns to add soil to our "green house."
Students checking our the "green house" and noticing that moisture was already gathering  near the bottom.
Our 5th grade classroom has become a science lab! As we study ecosystems and food chains, we are diving into how organisms depend on one another in an energy cycle by building mold terrariums! Currently we have three variables and a control to test what causes mold to grow and what can stop the growth of mold. We've enjoyed hypothesizing and observing our terrariums daily. Check them out!
over 2 years ago, Ms. Toner 5th Grade
Here our fifth graders are filling out an observation sheet for our mold experiments.
Students reflect with one another while they hypothesize with their groups.
We've learned that data is a big part of what drives scientists.
5th grade loves learning about science!
4th grade has completed their CO Relief Maps! The students worked very hard and put a lot of creativity into their team maps. Here are the final results of CO Relief Maps! They came out so good!
over 2 years ago, Jaycie Jones- 4th Grade
Team Rockies painting CO mountain ranges and rivers.
Team Elbert painting their final touches on the CO mountain ranges.
The final creations of 4th Grade Colorado Relief Maps!
Counseling will look a bit different this year at Cotopaxi. Last year Solvista Health joined our team and will be here again as a resource for our students. Coming soon, the Cotopaxi School District has obtained contracted services to fulfill the district's counseling needs. We are very excited about this opportunity for our students and families.
over 2 years ago, Cotopaxi Consolidated Schools
Hello, from AP US History! It has been an exciting start to the year! I am so proud of the students who have taken on this challenge! It has been a great start!
over 2 years ago, Ryan Christensen
4th grade is just starting our exploration into Colorado history. We are beginning our exploration with the physical features of our beautiful state. This week we are creating a relief map of Colorado's majestic mountain ranges. The students will create these maps using salt dough to replicate 3D models of the mountains. When the dough dries, we will paint our maps to represent the mountains, rivers and valleys of our great state.
over 2 years ago, Jaycie Jones- 4th Grade
Team  Elbert beginning Colorado relief Map
Team  Shavano creating their Colorado relief map
Team  Rockies beginning to create their Colorado relief map
First grade has been studying earth science. This includes the natural resources, why they are essential, and ways we can help to sustain them. We recently made bees from recycled items like paper scraps and toilet paper rolls to demonstrate how to help. We also used our hands to make the wings. The students enjoyed flying their bees all the way home to show their families.
over 2 years ago, First Grade
First graders gluing their bees together.
The first class working hard to put the recycled bees together.
A first grade student proudly showing off his recycled bee.
Cotopaxi middle and high school students will be participating in the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey during the first week in October. Parent letters are being sent home with your student this week. Please see a copy of this letter below. Feel free to contact Nurse Debbie with any questions.
over 2 years ago, School Nurse
Healthy Kids Colorado Survey Parent/Guardian Information Letter